domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

SPACE | You can follow NASA missions in real time.

Exploring the solar system from home.

La aplicación 'Eyes on the Solar System' es gratuita. | NASA.
The application 'Eyes on the Solar System' is free. | NASA.

NASA offers the possibility of a virtual journey through the Solar System through a new interactive tool on the Internet. 'Eyes on the Solar System' ( 
(Eyes on the Solar System), combines the technology of video and data from NASA to create an environment in which users travel with a spaceship and explore the cosmos. The graphics on the screen and the information about the location of planets and spacecraft maneuvers using real data from the missions.

"This is the first time the public has seen the Solar System and our mission moving together in real time," said Jim Green, director of the Planetary Science Division at NASA headquarters of the agency in Washington. "This demonstrates the continued commitment from NASA to share our knowledge with everyone."

The virtual environment using the Unity game engine to display models of planets, moons, asteroids, comets and spacecraft moving through our solar system. Using the control keyboard and mouse, users navigate through a space to explore everything that catches their attention. A free browser plug-in available on the site, you need to run the Web application.

Time travel

Time travel Users can experience real-time missions, and the application also allows time travel, with NASA data dating back to 1950 and are projected to 2050.

The playback speed can be accelerated or slowed. In the case of the Juno spacecraft, which launched on August 5, users can look forward to seeing the five-year mission trip to Jupiter in just seconds.

Tens of controls in a series of pop-up menus allow users to completely customize what they see, and audio and video tutorials explain how to use many tool options. Users can choose between modes 2-D or 3-D, and in this case only required a couple of red-cyan glasses.

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