jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

"Superhero" Seattle keeps hope alive, back on the street

ARCHIVO - Esta 18 de febrero 2011 foto de archivo muestra Seattle superhéroe Phoenix Jones durante una patrulla de Capitol Hill, Seattle el barrio. Jones, que ha ganado admiradores y un poco de la fama como él trabaja en las calles de Seattle, fue arrestado la madrugada del domingo después de ser acusado de agredir a varias personas con el spray de pimienta. Él se ha reservado en la cárcel del condado por cuatro cargos de asalto, con el conjunto de comparecencia para el jueves, dijo la policía el lunes. Jones dice que él sólo estaba tratando de detener una pelea callejera. Foto: Seattlepi.com, Joshua Trujillo / AP

FILE - This Feb. 18, 2011 file photo shows Seattle superhero Phoenix Jones during a patrol of Capitol Hill, Seattle neighborhood. Jones, who has won fans and a bit of fame as he works on the streets of Seattle, was arrested early Sunday after being accused of assaulting several people with pepper spray. He was booked in county jail on four counts of assault with a hearing set for Thursday, police said Monday. Jones says he was just trying to stop a street fight. Photo: Seattlepi.com, Joshua Trujillo / AP.

SEATTLE (AP) - The Seattle auto style superhero Phoenix Jones wrote on his Facebook page that was back in the squad on Monday night.

He had to use a backup suit after police took his black suit and yellow on Sunday when he was arrested for investigation of assault. He is accused of using pepper spray in four people who were dancing after leaving a nightclub.

Jones, whose real name is John Francis Benjamin Fodor, says he was trying to stop a fight when attacked.

He spent nearly seven hours in jail before posting bail $ 3,800. Jones is due in court Thursday.

Police spokesman Mark Jamieson says he can not go around with pepper spray because they think people who are struggling.

Jones says he is the leader of the Movement of Rain City Superhero.


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