sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2011


Tubing, a risky adventure of fashion among backpackers in Laos

The Tubing, which consists of with a tire down a stretch of the Nong River in Laos, is today one of the experiences that most attract the growing number of tourists apparently healthy and out of here hurt.

This practice is based on being drawn by the force of the current on the inner Chamber of a tire tractor along a stretch of 3.5 kilometers from the River as it passes through the town of Vang Vieng, in the northern region and that is already part of the route followed by the tourists who visit the Chinese country.

"A fun appearance simple if it were not because many of those who decide to experiment do after having consumed alcohol in bars built on both banks of the River."

"The problem is this sport of risk, having consumed alcohol or other stronger drugs, told Efe doctor Knott of the health centre of Vang Vieng.

" Every day we attend to about ten tourists with different contusions or degrees of sprains ", the doctor appears.

 The organizing companies of these decreases aim that it is a question of inoffensive sport of adventure, but in the clinic they do not believe the same thing immediately after the injured men who attend and for having tried, without success, to save the life to any that rough other one.

Towards it of the midday, young tourists in swimsuit and vest congregate in the bar of exit of goal after crossing a bridge of bamboo which obligatory toll is to drink a chupito of local unmatured brandy.

 The bar of exit is one more of between the dozen of the places where the participants stop awhile to consume alcoholic drinks while they continue with the fluvial decrease.

 In order that major beech amusement in the pauses during the tour, the canteens put at the disposal of the participants a few swimming pools of mud in those who intoxicated pretend to fight and to be thrown in tirolina to the river from several meters of height.

" It is the only experience, the adrenaline is raised to one by it of jumping to the water from seven meters of height ", says Bob Brett, an American young person visibly affected by the alcohol.

 In spite of the fact that in the river they have placed indicate that they indicate the place recommended to throw itself to the water, many are those who are played the physicist at throwing from other sites of the shore, some of them doing acrobatics.

 " He me resembles the Balconing, appears David Silva, a Spanish tourist who has approached the riverbed attracted by the propaganda brings over of this practice, similar to her of throwing itself to a swimming pool from a balcony, a mode that has caused several dead men in Spain.

Laos, which during the decade of the nineties was place of stop and inn of the western tourism that was crossing the route of Asian of the drug, search with the promotion of these experiences of risk an alternative to attract the youngest tourism.

 But, in spite of the fact that the consumption of drugs was prohibited, the trajín of these for the bars of the route of the Tubing is constant and supposes one of the principal sources of income of the trades of the zone in which the avidity is perceived by the money.

From the decade of 1990, Laos began the development of the tourist industry to adapt in a progressive way to the tourism of masses as a form of revenue for the rural economy that spreads over the country and lost his essence of minority destination.

 According to the information registered by the National Administration of Tourism of Laos, in 1991 scarcely 5.000 visitors visited the country, whereas the numbers of 2009 exceed both millions.


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