viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

Technology - internet

The little robot 'Evolt' attempt with three batteries hard to complete the triathlon 'Ironman'

Hawaii triathlon is considered one of the toughest in the world

After climbing the Grand Canyon and driving in the Le Mans 24 hours, a small Japanese robot prepares for a new challenge: the challenging triathlon 'Ironman' of Hawaii.

Wearing three shells and three rechargeable batteries, the robot 'Evolt' electronics company Panasonic swim, cycle and run one of the routes of the world's toughest triathlon, the company announced Thursday.

"This is very hard even for an athlete, but I think it's worth the challenge," said Tomotaka Takahashi, who created the green and white robot, looking like a toy.

"The robot will encounter many adversities in his way, but I hope the end overcomes all and succeed," he said.

The robot will have swimming, running and cycling in a total of 230 kilometers. The time taken to complete the challenge is a week or 168 hours, which is 10 times what it would cost an athlete.

"The Evolt height is one tenth that of an adult male, so we figured it will take 10 times longer," said Takahashi.

With three covers, including one mounted on a small bicycle and another stuck in a wheel with a wheel support, the robot swimmer, 51 inches, is one that is particularly challenging.

"I had to think of ways it was waterproof and protect it from rust as possible," said Takahashi.

The batteries carries the robot in the back, which goes on sale in Japan on October 21, can be recharged up to 1,800 times with a charger.

The challenge of the triathlon begins October 24 and will continue non-stop for seven days and seven nights. The real Ironman is held in early October.

The world's fattest woman asks for help

Just achieved the record for being the fattest woman and you want to change your life.
Pauline Potter is a 47 year old American woman who weighs 317 kilos.
You can not travel by car, or bathe herself or putting on socks without assistance.

Pauline Potter far from being proud of her recent title you want to change life radically. A few days ago was declared the fattest woman in the world by the Guinness Book, but his appointment has made a distress call.

Pauline has asked for help to lose weight and lose some of its 317 kilos.

With your weight, this 47 year old American woman can not lead a normal life as they can not travel by car, or swim on its own or put socks on her own.

Now he has decided to lose weight to enjoy his new life.

Her cat recover after losing five years and 2,500 miles from home

It was lost in 2006 in Colorado and appeared in New York

The microchip under the skin that has allowed us to identify the animal

A cat who disappeared from his home in Colorado five years ago has appeared in a Manhattan street in New York. The animal will be returned to the family thanks to a microchip under the skin and had enabled the identification of their owners. These, and not think back, wonder where Willow lived all that time and how it could go 2575 miles between his home in the city of skyscrapers.

Willow was a tiny kitten when he disappeared from home in 2006. The owners filled the small town of Rocky Mountains with posters to try to find it.

However, no one responded and thought the dog was finished in the stomach of a coyote, abundant in the Colorado town.

Six years later with a boy and a dog in the family over are preparing for Willow to return home, now converted into an adult cat and plump.

"Excited and surprised," said U.S. feel this marriage could not believe and thought it was an error while receiving a call from an animal shelter in New York.

However, after seeing it and check that the microchip was right had no doubt that this was her cat, as published by 'The Herald Sun.

For several years the family had moved to another house located 16 kilometers from the old, but maintained links and they could be located.

The cat has good looks, does not look emaciated, and beaten, has good manners, something that makes you wonder where their owners lived all this time. That, however, remains a mystery.


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